What Does God Say About You?
My husband and I try to have a date night at least a couple times a month. This weekend we went to dinner and then went to the movies to see the James Brown biopic, “Get on Up!” Chadwick Boseman did a spectacular job of channeling James Brown. I even mentioned to my husband, how I appreciated the producers for not delving into all of the “issues” James Brown had later in life but instead ending the movie on a note that made me want to go and download the entire James Brown catalogue.
However, there was one thing I kept thinking about even after the movie was over. I couldn’t help but wonder, how much greater would James Brown have become if he had been able to conquer the demons of his past. Even though he was very confident in his abilities, there was something in his past that kept calling him to a broken place. It reinforced with me the importance of good parents, who love on their children and build up healthy esteem. It also impressed upon me the importance of my spirit coming into agreement with what God says about me, in spite of my past.
See based on the neighborhood I grew up in, my background and economic status, society has a lot to say about who I should be. Based on my introverted nature and reserved style, my employer has a lot to say about what I can and cannot do. Sometimes, like James Brown, I let words from my past or the opinions of others, take me to a broken place, and keep me from reaching maximum effectiveness. I have to work hard to keep my thoughts focused on the positive and on what God says about me.
I’ve been doing a study in the book of John, which focuses in on the deity of Jesus, and that He is the Son of God. One thing I noticed about Jesus in this book, He was confident in who He was and His purpose. Even when people tried to remind him of His background or economic status, He was quick to let them know who He was and what He came to do. Who He was wasn’t based on His own ideal, but on what God said about Him.

In John 8:17-18, He says, “Even in your law it has been written that the testimony of two men is true. I am He who testifies about Myself, and the Father who sent Me testifies about me.” In other words Jesus really didn’t care what the Pharisees, Scribes and other “important” people said or thought about Him. He had the only testimony that really mattered, God’s.
What has God said about you? What purpose has He called you to?
Have you allowed the voices of other “important” people in your life to overshadow God’s testimony concerning you? If you have, now is the time, to begin agreeing with what God has said about you, so it can become true. There are many promises in His word that God makes to all believers. He calls us “heirs, sons, daughters, royal!” It’s important to agree with those, but what I really want you to focus on is what He’s specifically said about YOU. What has he said about your gifts, your purpose, your personality, your family, your career? Where has He shown you these things will take you?
Even if you can’t see it right now, it’s important that you boldly “Object” to the testimony of people whose testimony is contradictory to God’s. Now’s the time to agree with what God has said about you, that’s when you’ll reach maximum effectiveness and see real dreams come true!